Hey, MCPS School Board, have you ever eaten at the B-CC cafeteria? Have you sat at one of the 10 or so tables (or those weird green cushion things) after getting a “meal?” Did you eat the food? Did it live up to your expectations?
Did panic grip your soul as you saw a veritable stampede of students funneled through two tiny doors? As you observed the soggy, tinfoil-wrapped burgers? As you saw the green beans that were more of a noxious brown?
Do you believe that a bag of Tostitos and some red pepper hummus is a balanced meal? Was it by design that the hot sauce bottle not only looks just like the ketchup bottle but is also placed right next to it? Do you laugh at night, thinking of the children forced to eat sriracha fries just because they wanted some ketchup?
And where, MCPS School Board, do you get the fruit? The red “delicious” apples that appear to be made of wax? Or the oranges, whose interior is covered in inedible white strings of something? Normal oranges have them, but not to this degree. And was it your plan that when you pull away all of that the flesh, the orange feels and tastes like a half-filled water balloon?
What is the purpose, MCPS School Board, of the giant jar of multicolored raw pasta? Is that what you think of as homely decor? I mentioned them before, but why are the big green cushion things there? With no table? Did you tell the interior decorators to mimic the look of a gymnastics studio, or a jungle gym?
Do you lie awake at night, thinking of the pain you have wrought upon the good students of B-CC? Who just want a good old fashioned cafeteria meal? Or are you just a cog in the machine that is the school system, forced to provide the bare minimum?
I’m going to Chipotle.