In a world where school safety is a growing concern, I believe that integrating advanced technology into emergency response systems is essential. Technology companies like RapidSOS, an emergency response data platform, currently play an increasingly important role. The company has developed its safety system to keep students and staff safe by helping to bridge the gap between people in danger and 911 centers. RapidSOS ensures first responders get the most accurate and detailed information to help in emergencies.
Senior Communications Manager of RapidSOS, Loren Bolten said, “RapidSOS is an intelligent safety platform that works within the 911 center, collecting and distributing data from over 540 million connected devices. […] We cover about 99.7% of the population, and connect their data to 911.”
RapidSOS significantly improves emergency response times by integrating new safety solutions such as panic buttons, AI-driven surveillance, and gun detection systems to protect schools and allow them to lock down quickly.
At B-CC, the emergency response is one of the top priorities for the administration, requiring immense planning and practice. B-CC has implemented an on-site emergency team (OSET) which consists of all administrators, the security team, the school nurse, and the Building Services Manager. OSET has a detailed safety plan in place, which includes roles and responsibilities for various scenarios.
Principal Dr. Mooney said, “[OSET] meets once a month as a team to review possible scenarios, and to talk about ongoing issues that we have had during drills, or things that we know are safety concerns.”
Emergencies at B-CC range from minor medical incidents to rarer issues such as last year’s bomb threat. During such incidents, quick and clear communication plays a huge role in making students feel safe. OSET spends time scenario planning and reviewing how to deal with even the most extreme scenarios.
Despite the impressive safety efforts from B-CC, the OSET team, and MCPS, implementing RapidSOS would be a pivotal part of improving school safety.
The impact of RapidSOS has proved to be extremely helpful in emergencies like the tragic shooting that took place at Apalachee High School in Georgia in the fall of 2024. The panic button system was used by teachers allowing first responders to gather vital information quickly and efficiently to locate the shooter.
In today’s world, where school safety is a growing concern, I believe that adding advanced technology to emergency response systems is essential. MCPS has demonstrated a commitment to enhancing security by proposing a $3.2 million investment to add 52 new safety positions for the 2026 school year. MCPS has the financial range to add these safety solutions like RapidSOS.
This technology is crucial as it can be used to bridge the gap between those in danger and 911 centers which ensures that first responders receive the most accurate information and students