Coach Travis Woodruff has started off his first year at B-CC with a 4-4 record heading into Saturday’s homecoming game against Walter Johnson. The new Barons coach didn’t walk in here as a rookie. “For the last five years, I was the Wheaton varsity coach and before that, I had been coaching club soccer for 15 years,” Woodruff said. His overall knowledge and background make him an easy fit for the team.
When looking to build a winning team at tryouts this summer, “I was looking for players who could play at a high level, with a lot of speed and good first touch,” Woodruff said. Overall, their skills and ability meant a lot to the head coach, but keeping in mind their performance off the field was a huge factor when it came to the final decisions.
Good energy comes easy to these Barons and that didn’t go unnoticed to the new coach. “One of the things I first noticed was that no matter what was really going on, they were really always cheering and supporting each other,” Woodruff said.
This is not new information for anyone who has attended the games to watch the Barons. One can see their supportive energy and willingness to always be there for each other. His goals for the team are well thought out and made into a “season long plan” that works to improve the skills overall that he believes need help. “We adjusted based on how things are going during the season, but for the most part we have a general idea,” Woodruff said.
The team’s work included shooting drills during the first few weeks, and a lot of attention to attacking, defending and transition moments. “I would love to see the girls a little bit more focused as we get closer to the playoffs,” Woodruff said.