The Tattler

The Tattler

John and Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery County Board of Education: Parents Challenge School Support Plans for Trans Students
John and Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery County Board of Education: Parents Challenge School Support Plans for Trans Students
June 14, 2024

On May 20, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States denied a Maryland parents’ petition that challenged school support plans for trans...

Track and Field season comes to an end.
Track and Field: Road to Nationals
June 12, 2024

Though the school year is winding down, Track and Field is not. They attended the MPSSAA 4A Track and Field State Championships from May 21 through...

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Life in Lockdown
June 12, 2024

With lockdowns becoming increasingly more common around the country, the chilling reality of these incidents has recently hit close to home for...

Rivalries at BCC.
The Importance of Rivalries
June 11, 2024

For better or for worse, rivalries are a huge part of the game for B-CC athletic teams. Not only do rivalries promote school spirit and motivate...

Pitcher of the Year: Henry Eichner
Pitcher of the Year: Henry Eichner
June 11, 2024

Henry Eichner took home the Division 1 Pitcher of the Year award to cap off an incredible junior season. Eichner led B-CC’s elite pitching...

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Athletic Director Mr. Krawczel is pleased with the results of the school’s athletes this year. Looking back on 2023-2024, though, he was less...

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June 7, 2024

With summer kicking off, students wonder what they should do with their friends. Between pool days and going to museums in DC, a fun and unique...

Memorial Day to Provide a Much-Needed Break

Jude Wilkenfeld
Many use Memorial Day weekend as an opportunity to go to the beach.

With either half the students out for AP/IB exams or nobody in class at all because of state testing, the last couple weeks have had classrooms and hallways looking very different from what Barons are used to. 

As students wrap up these odd weeks B-CC and say goodbye to the Class of 2024, many are looking forward to Memorial Day. Some students are using the weekend to stay home and relax after all those exams, and others are off to a sandy destination. 

Junior Mattie Weiss said, “I am excited to have that one extra day—it doesn’t seem like a lot, but it definitely feels like a lot after how stressful junior year has been.” Weiss added, “I can’t wait to sleep in, maybe hang out with my friends, but unfortunately I will be doing some work because the school year is not over quite yet.”

For many students, this weekend is the chance to escape for a moment before coming back and finishing the final stretch of the school year. Junior Lucy Stone said, “I am headed to Front Royal, Virginia where my family has a house and I know a lot of friends who are going to Bethany Beach this weekend.” Being out of town, especially around this time of year, can be relaxing for many reasons. Stone said, “I am finally done with all my exams and just getting a change of scenery will help take my mind off of school for a little while.”

On the other hand, for many students this week is cause for celebration: seniors have just finished their final official days of school and are getting a head start on summer break. Senior Mary Sheffield said, “It’s sort of bittersweet, but I am excited to spend time with my friends this weekend and celebrate this accomplishment.”

Regardless of how one chooses to spend the weekend, it is a well-earned opportunity for restoration and relaxation.

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About the Contributors
Sophie Harjes
Sophie Harjes, Staff Reporter
Sophie Harjes is a junior at BCC. She is on the cross country and track and field team. Outside of school she likes to hang out with her friends and go to concerts.
Jude Wilkenfeld
Jude Wilkenfeld, Staff Photographer
Jude Wilkenfeld is a junior at B-CC. His favorite sports are baseball, football, and golf.

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