A Hazy Graduation

Katie Dorsey, staff

The class of 2023 had its graduation ceremony on June 7. With the code red air quality as a result of ash from the Canada wildfires drifting down the globe, the school offered an indoor viewing area for friends and family who felt uncomfortable outside. “Graduation was rough,” said senior Kyle Tattlebaum when asked about what it was like to graduate while enduring the poor air quality.

Speakers at the ceremony ranged from the Schoolwide President, Aaron Tiao, to the guest speaker, Dr. Mugerwa, a former administrator at B-CC and a current one at Paint Branch High School. Other speakers were part of the class of 2023 SGA. The event also featured performances from the jazz band and chamber choir. Some students made their mark by flipping and taking selfies and videos on stage.

Sophomore Brielle Anderson attended the graduation, saying, “It was a great ceremony and a great way to send off the seniors.” 

“The ceremony definitely lived up to the hype. The music and speeches were great. Couldn’t think of a better way to send off than with all of my friends and classmates,” exclaimed senior Eva Hauf.

Despite the weather, attendance was high. B-CC business manager, Mrs.Teicher, shared, “There are about 560 seniors, and we don’t count the number of attendees, but each student gets four tickets.”