Chips: A Yearbook for the Arts


Matt Carr, Staff

At the end of every school year, students eagerly wait for the yearbook in order to see all of their memories reflected on the glossy pages. However, there is a lesser-known annual publication: B-CC’s literary arts magazine, Chips. Featuring a collection of art and writing collected from B-CC students throughout the year, it’s a unique look into the creative minds that fill B-CC.

The magazine began in 1937 and was named after the yearbook, the Pinetree. The name Chips was meant to show that the magazine “chipped” off the Pinetree. Since its inception, the magazine has published 85 magazines, such as last year’s “Ethereal”. Chips also run several contests during October, November, and December. The winner of these themed contests gets to be in the magazine and a cash prize.

While Ms. Charles is the sponsor of Chips, the students are key to the success of the magazine. “I like reviewing people’s art because I love seeing the different art styles of students around the school,” said junior Mia Garrett when describing her favorite part of being on the Chips team. Students lay out the pages and determine every aspect of the magazine: from the title to the theme, to the articles, to the artwork that accompanies the writing.

Even though submissions are closed for the year, Ms. Charles encourages students to submit next year as she “would love to have more students represented in the pages because [she] know[s] that there’s so much talent out there.” Students are invited to sign up for the class next year, as it provides a “creative break” in the day and appears to be a thoroughly enjoyable experience.

According to Ms. Charles, Chips does, “Everything involved [in] producing the magazine,” similar to the yearbook. Submissions are sent by email to Ms. Charles and then critiqued by the class and voted on. She clarified that “this whole process is anonymous,” and entries are decided by “majority rule.” Following the acceptance of submissions, art, and writing are paired together based on similar themes and ideas.