Chelton Parking Fraud Exposed
Parking Enforcement on Lynbrook Drive
May 19, 2023
Montgomery County Parking Enforcement cracked down on students using fake parking passes, issuing $50 fines on Thursday, May 18. Almost all of the student cars parked on Sleaford and Lynbrook (the streets directly adjacent to B-CC) were issued a ticket, prompting students to leave their fifth period class to try and move their cars before the officer could reach their vehicle.
However, not all cars were illegally parked. Many students approached the officer to present evidence proving the validity of their passes, but they were instructed to contest the ticket in court.
As students continued to approach the parking enforcement officer, he called the Montgomery Police, sharing he felt harassed. “There are six students following me around,” he told the dispatch. The students soon dispersed.
“It’s really frustrating: I have an actual pass but so many students are forced to park in the neighborhood due to B-CC’s huge lack of parking; they need to add more spots for students,” said Pepper Margulis, a B-CC junior who can park on the streets surrounding the school as her residence is within the same neighborhood.
B-CC junior Alex Elias received his second parking ticket this year, but has plans on taking both to court.
“If they want to crack down on neighborhood parking, ticketing everyone whether their pass is real or not, is not the right way to go about it,” Elias expressed.
The crackdown started when the parking enforcement officer responded to a neighborhood complaint. A presumed resident followed the officer, stating, “Busted!” as tickets were issued.
Perhaps they were the only party to leave the scene with a semblance of satisfaction.
BCC Student • May 27, 2023 at 12:31 am