Dream College Accepts Everyone From Your School But You, Specifically

They all got in, why didn't you?

Lily Kolakowski

They all got in, why didn’t you?

The college admissions results are in, and it looks like everyone got what they wanted — besides you. Faces are lighting up, champagne bottles are being opened (alcohol-free, of course), and parents are proudly and aggressively posting on Facebook. And yet, for you specifically, it seems that the world has conspired against you. Whatever dream college you’ve been fantasizing about for years, whether Harvard, Princeton, or even the J.V. Stalin School of Culinary Arts, decided you’re not quite qualified.

The first thought in your mind may be “Why?. What did I do wrong?” 

To be brutally honest, there are countless answers. Did you start playing a niche competitive sport as a four-year-old? If not, then there you go — egg on your face for not picking up bocce ball. Have you maintained a 4.00 GPA all four years of high school, a 1600 SAT, 36 on the ACT, and yet still led a balanced life? Didn’t think so. As a 17-year-old, have you found your one true passion, the calling that will dictate the rest of your life? Clearly, your prioritization of mental health and a social life cost you your admittance to whatever status symbol you preferred.

Another question you could ask yourself is why others from your school were accepted, even when you feel that your applications looked similar on the surface. In actuality, it is not because they perhaps presented themselves better as a holistic student, or because their interests better matched the strengths of the given college, or simply thanks to random luck in this hyper-competitive world. It’s because they’re innately better than you in every way.

Finally, what solace can you gain now that the dust has settled? Some would argue college does not define your entire life, nor even the next four years, and what matters most is what you make of your time, how you pursue your passions, and the lifelong friendships that will be created. Who needs to pay $85,000 a year just for a prestigious diploma anyways?

I am joking, naturally. Cry.