April 1st Brings Many Milestones

“As excited as I am for spring break, I can’t help but think the chance of getting back a rejection letter will ruin my week off of school.” 

Logan Tongberg, staff

April 1st marks more than just the last day of the quarter, the start of spring break, and even April fools. For seniors, It holds another meaning. They will receive their final college decisions and figure out where they are going to spend their next four years. 

B-CC senior, Claire Leadman, admits that this phenomenon is a reality for her, “April 1st is all I have been able to think about for the past few weeks.” 

Seniors have spent the last few months perfecting their transcripts, applying to colleges, and waiting for the decisions to come out. While some who applied early decision or early acceptance already know what their futures hold, most seniors are waiting for April 1st to see what colleges they have gotten into or rejected from. 

As spring break begins the same day, some seniors feel these decisions will dictate the tone of their “relaxing” break. Saba Ebrahim, another senior at BCC, says  “As excited as I am for spring break, I can’t help but think the chance of getting back a rejection letter will ruin my week off of school.” 

Dean McKenna, who has already heard back from some schools says “I’m still waiting on a school that I’m highly considering, but I’m not too concerned because I already have a lot of great options.” He’s hoping to enjoy his spring break no matter what results he gets on April 1st, elaborating that “I’m glad spring break is coming up because I’m headed down to Florida here I’ll be able to relax and not stress about college.”